Author Topic: Lamb not wanting bottle  (Read 5256 times)


  • Joined Aug 2008
Lamb not wanting bottle
« on: April 22, 2009, 10:17:09 pm »
Hi All,
I posted before about feeding my hand reared lamb and hope for help again.
She is now just over 3 weeks old and until the last few days everything was fine but now she just does'nt want her bottle. I really have to make her take it.
She is not thin, is grazing a little, has access to water and hay and creep feed.
I've checked her temp and it is around 39.4 c - 39.6c.
Tried putting a bit of honey on the teat and in the milk but it does'nt help.
Stools are a bit loose but not scouring.
Same powdered milk I've used all along so thats not different.

Advice please, thanks ! :sheep:


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Re: Lamb not wanting bottle
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2009, 08:16:57 am »
Hi, try putting some cold mixed milk in a bowl (it doesn't go off so quickly if cold mixed) and see if the lamb takes this. Is she hungry, try leaving it for a longer time between feeds. If scours persist, dilute the milk or stop for a day or so and give dry hay etc to stiffen her up so to speak.
Enjoying life making the most of whats available. My kids were little yesterday, today they are almost adults, where on earth did that change happen?


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Re: Lamb not wanting bottle
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2009, 04:22:57 pm »
Do not panic.....and if she is eating and drinking not worry! Give 250mls 3 times a day only and so long as everything else is ok don't worry if she dosent finish it. Do not force feed!!

You may be feeding too much....what were you feeding?

I would expect to wean at 6 weeks ish

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