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Author Topic: Murdering Goose  (Read 7545 times)

Farmer Giles

  • Joined Dec 2007
Murdering Goose
« on: January 30, 2008, 07:38:45 pm »
Sad oh so sad.

Today whilst wrestling with our eleven ewes and Bo (our ram, well ramBo works dont you think??) to get them inside in the dry so as to hopefully eliminate footrot I heard a noise and found that our Toulose goose, Florien, was attacking Rodney our poor old rescue rooster who was given to us by some folk who didn't want him any more and who had neglected him terribly, he was an unloved and somewhat bedragled fellow when he arrived but with a little TLC he had developed into a really smashing cockerel and was a great asset here at home strutting around the courtyard and very popular with our friends as he would happily sit and be petted and feed from ones hand, unfortunately by the time I got to him it was too late and sadly he expired from his injuries.

I am really really very cross and cannot understand why the goose has commited such an act, is this normal behavoir for a goose?? should I have been more alert?? is it a case of once a goose has killed then it will do so again?? (I know once a dog has tasted blood then they develope a blood lust and will kill just for fun) I am so tempted to get the goose ready for Easter and enjoy a feast but the goose is a character also and does make me laugh at some of his antics.

Have any of you guys ever come across or heard of a goose being agressive to another type of poultry?? any words of wisdom gladly received and opinions are very welcome.

Thanks and all the very best


  • Joined Oct 2007
Re: Murdering Goose
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2008, 07:38:05 am »
Andy so sorry to hear about the demise of the cockerel, thats so sad.  The goose is doing what any male will do, he is asserting his place in the pecking order, he saw the cockerel as a male threat. 


  • Joined Oct 2007
  • Kent
Re: Murdering Goose
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2008, 08:33:02 am »
i agree with hilarysmum, we had a goose and turkey fight on a daily basis, both were very sweet when they wanted to be but just diddnt get along, the goose had no problems with the poults tho! all were rehomed and now live in fields acres apart from each other on the same smallholding! the goose was a good fox deterrent tho as he would gladly have a go to protect his women (who would back him up in the middle of the night screaming away!) and reguraly bit / pecked(??) our alsation even tho she couldnt have cared less about them being there!  :)


  • Joined Oct 2007
Re: Murdering Goose
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2008, 09:40:52 am »
my geese used to bully my old cockerel and he never had any tail feathers. they demoralised him so much he just gave up and i found him dead one day. i have two much bigger and bolder boys now, and the geese don't seem to bully them.( they do however try and intimidate the boys i keep for fattneing up through the mesh door of their compound). now that breeding season is nearly here they may get more aggressive, but we will have to see.

Farmer Giles

  • Joined Dec 2007
Re: Murdering Goose
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2008, 10:33:18 am »
Ah thanks so much for your replies, yes the breeding season. I should have known and been aware!!

As a first timer in all matters smallholding (it really is a learning curve) and not knowing how different species behave it is great to have a forum where novices such as I can glean information from the more learned amongst us.

Have to find another 'old bird' to be the farmyard cock and look after the two girls that were Rodneys companions.

Have a good day all


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