Hi there
My husbands brilliant at ringing the boys so when he gets off his treadmill I will get him to tell me how he does it!
He rings all the boys and all the tails at 24 hours ish, basically we leave the new mums in the field till the following afternoon, walk them in through the shed, ring the lambs and then send them out to the clean field where all the new mums are. Works a treat!
Here we go! Sit on a log and put the lamb on your thigh if you are right handed put it on your left thigh. Put the ring over the scrotum in the applicator pushing in a downward motion between the nipples and scrotum and press your index and forefinger on the bottom side of the scrotum pulling both stones up and pull them backwards and holding them with those fingers almost trapping the cord between your fingers and the stretched ring. Slowly release the ring - you will not trap your fingers! Take care when withdrawing applicater not to open the ring at all. He tends to push the ring off rather than pull the applicator off. He finds it easy, rarely having a problem and always within the 24 hours. You must check that both stones are there. If you have missed one or both take the ring off and try again after 12 hours or so. It is not difficult to get the ring off and you wont hurt the lamb so dont worry! It is knack and confidence!
Hope that helps, good luck!