There i was moaning about having no lambs and now its all happened so fast,not a great start but a happy ending.
Monday morning went out to check the sheep and 1 ewe had had a lamb yipee, another ewe was pacing around nearby and that's when i had the shock to find she had also had a lamb but it had been attacked by something and sadly couldn't be saved, as some of the other ewes looked to be nearly ready and the weather has been awful here rain for nearly 2 weeks i decided to bring them in,got them in the evening and they were a bit skitty to start with don't blame them really they hate being in,by Tuesday morning they had settled down a bit and mum and lamb were good, Tuesday lunchtime i had to go out and was gone for just over an hour when i got back my eyes nearly popped out of my head there were now 6 lambs! and another 1 being born, i couldn't believe it,and then that's when i noticed that spotty the ewe whose lamb died now had a lamb so she must have nicked a twin from someone as ive only got 1 left to go and shes still huge.
I was worried about spotty not having a lamb but everything has turned out great,
As it is STILL raining they are still in but today was great to see all the little lambs running around playing with each other.
We ended up with 5 ram lambs and 2 ewes,the dead one was a ram as well,its funny cause last year we had 8 ewe lambs and 3 rams.
Sorry just had to share.