I'm looking for advice for helping a sick sheep.
He had scour at the beginning of the week. Wednesday he went off his food (he's on nice grass but is also offered coarse mix) so we drenched him with a mix of weetabix, honey, salt and bicarb. He was up on his feet again then, grazing and drinking water.
Yesterday he was up and about but not grazing so we drenched him again, he takes the drench quite happily.
A couple of times when he's been laying down we've gone to check on him and stand him up and it's as if his legs are dead - he doesn't even try and put weight on them, then a few minutes later he's up and about on his own!
I've just been to check him and it's the same again. He baa-d at me but I couldn't get him standing. He doesn't appear to be scouring now but that might be because he hasn't eaten enough. He is weeing though.
Any ideas or suggestions that we can try?