We've been told that ducks arent too hot on sititng on their eggs and we have more chance of success with one of the chickens sitting on them...
anyone had a similar experience?
We don't really have a broody hen as such, 3 of ours are warrens? (similar to rhode iosland reds... all 3 ex battery hens) who dont tend to get broody by breeed so i've read, alos got a couple of ambers and a balck one (no idea... called Elvis though!)
do we need a broody hen for this to work? or will one of these birds just start sititng on them?
One of the warrens (joe) lays in a tree and will go sit on the 2 eggs we've left from time to time but won't stay on them constantly as i've read broody hens do?.
i dont want to intervene and start wiht incubators in truth, i'd rather let nature do it's thing as much as possible. But most of the sites i've looked at on the internet talk about us hatching them.
Out girl (Belle) has just started laying eggs and steve (my other half) has been eating them! saying we have to wait a while before we start leaivng them for her to sit on. (believe she wont start doing this till she has between 5 - 15??) warmer weatther so im told!!!!
any advice of similar duck keeping stories muich appreciated! into uncharted territory on this one!
(and mammothly excited about the prospect of ducklings wadlling round the garden)