Hi all, after carefully planning work as best as I could around my girls dates, It's all gone wrong!
Doris lost her mucus plug thingy Thursday evening, ridged up yesterday and this morning has an udder as tight as a very tight thing! She's had a little bit of breakfast, but not much so I think it's going to be today, unfortunately I have to be at work till 5
Hubby is doing checks for me and will pop down a bit before lunch but he is the first to admit he won't know what to do if anything isn't right.
Given the description what do you guys think? popping today or will she hold out till this evening?
I'm sure she will be fine even if I am not there, but I do worry so!
After this I don't go back to work till nest Thursday for 3 days then off for nearly 3 weeks!
Come on Doris, cross your legs for a bit longer!