Hi All,
The Central Scotland Smallholders Association organised Land management course at Oatridge College is on Sat 19th May and I have attached the programe below in case anyone else still wants to come along. All you wanted to know about grass and fields but were too scared to ask. Fee is £35 for the day for members of the CSSA, and joining the CSSA is quite cheap and could be done on the day.
Morning based inside
Afternoon field based
9.00 to 9.30am Welcome, Registration, tea, coffee and biscuits
9.30am Grazing management,
Calculating Livestock units,
Grazing systems: effective use of grazing area
Improvement techniques
Weed control options & legal requirements
12 to 1pm Lunch
1pm Soil structure
Soil testing and analysis
Soil improvement, fertilisers and conditioning, drainage
Sward evaluation weed Identification
Sorry layout is a bit funny - copied and pasted from other document. PM me or Annie (ie doganjo) if interested.