Author Topic: 2 or 3 orphan lambs?  (Read 3518 times)


  • Joined Aug 2009
  • Yorkshire
2 or 3 orphan lambs?
« on: March 19, 2012, 09:29:26 am »
 :wave: Hello everyone, I'm new to this so please bear with me.
We are looking to adopt some orphan lambs from a local farmer to handrear as farmyard pets and lawnmowers.  They will be with us for life and we will be raising them to be as friendly as possible.  I was wanting to get just two lambs but my daughter has heard that you should get no fewer than three as they are flock animals.  I know the reasons for getting three are obvious but would getting just two be detrimental to their wellbeing?  Can anyone advise please?   :sheep: :sheep: or  :sheep: :sheep: :sheep:?
Doing that swan thing - cool and calm on the surface but paddling like crazy beneath.


  • Joined May 2010
  • South Lanarkshire
    • ScotHebs
Re: 2 or 3 orphan lambs?
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2012, 11:19:55 am »
Two will do fine together, but one won't.  So...when one of the two dies (orphan lambs by their nature may not 'do' as well as those reared by their dams so the chance of losing one is real) you will be left desperately trying to find a friend for the survivor.  Best to start with three  :sheep: :sheep: :sheep:
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  • Joined Aug 2009
  • Yorkshire
Re: 2 or 3 orphan lambs?
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2012, 11:31:12 am »
Thank you Fleecewife, thats a great help.  :thumbsup: Three it is.  :sheep: :sheep: :sheep:
Doing that swan thing - cool and calm on the surface but paddling like crazy beneath.


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