Richard - Zip is a monster, only joking, he's a sweetheart, he's learning every day and is bright eyed and bushy tailed its amazing - I'm just plodding away with him.
The ewe - well things have turned around, maybe I did rush in a bit to top them up and upset the balance a bit, new surrounding for the ewe in the shed, just given birth, tired etc - we have a total turnaround, she's out all day in a wee paddock and the lambs are skipping about feeding same amount but quite often, she stands at the shed door when she wants in for her tea and I top up the lambs and when she has her breakfast I top them up too. Only a small amount at the moment - but I was thinking in the long run if she didn't produce enough milk as they get bigger appetite's then we have a back up plan in place - their not too keen on the bottle but to take it - so far so good.
Shrekfeet - I note that one for the future