i suppose it depends on wether or not you want the milk.
we keep our kids on the mums because we rear for meat.
we wean at 4 months,just take all the kids away & put them into a clean paddock,had no problems at all with this.
i have milked our goats in the past,& i used to shut the kids away at night in a pen next to her,milk her in the morning,then turn her out with the kids.
but evey one has different methods,you just have to find what works for you

oh some goats object very strongly to you nicking there milk.
we had one last year with tons of milk & only one kid,she was awful as soon as you touched her udder she'd lie down bleat & get stressed out i only tried a couple of times then gave up,not much fun trying to hold a goat up while trying to milk it