But what exactly would a vet do now that hasn't already been done? I've had the vet out to her, he's given her what he believed she needed. I called a different vet again this morning and was told that everything had been done medically that could have been. I know she needs calories inside her, I can get the rumen stimulant yes - as for all the other types of food, fine if she will eat if but if not I can't exactly force feed her unless it's easily swallowable - yes I will try readibrek/live yoghurt. Believe me I am not being complacent, I am tending to her all day and have tried many things, sugar beet in molasses, biscuits, grain - she will eat a bit if hungry but not in huge quantities.
I am unsure if I agree to keep her constantly penned in a small space - I understand where you are coming from re. her needing energy to keep warm but she's been under the heatlamp for days now and I think she needs to move around. I helped her to stand up just now, she wanted to lie down again but I held her and 'walked' her around and took her over to a pile of hay, where she started to nibble. I went off to get a scoop of mix and when I got back she had gone out.
The sun is out here and the ice has melted, it is not cold like it has been. She is at present in my garden where there is loads of grass (not frosted otherwise I wouldn't have put her on it) - ok it doesn't have a lot of goodness but she is eating it like there is no tomorrow. I am of the opinion if she is that interested in the grass it's going to be more beneficial to allow her to graze for a bit than keep her cooped up and trying to get her to eat stuff she's not really interested in. She's the perkiest I've seen her for ages so that in itself is telling me something! If it fills her belly and gives it something to work on surely that's a good thing .. and no I won't be letting her stay on it for ages!
The reason her rug is off is that while she was lying down she got a bit tangled in it and she was very warm, and the temp has gone up here today. If it was freezing cold I wouldn't have let her out.
She'll go back under the lamp tonight with her rug back on