My 5 year old foxterrier has just had major emergency surgery to remove a (neatly folded up) crisp packet from her small intestine... no idea how long it has been there, but she became unwell on Thursday and was operated on on Friday. The vets are hopefull that she will pull through... but I now have to feed her three different antibiotics and a painkiller, all several times a day. She has not eaten anything since Wednesday night and has been re-hydrated by the vet through a line. I really need to get her eating again, and she has eaten this evening three small pieces of cooked pasta... Just tried to feed her a macaroni with a tablet hidden in it (that's how she takes her worming tablets) and got badly bitten. Seems she is blaming me for her pain and time away from home...
She is flat out and asleep now...
I wish they had given me the antibiotic as injections, I could have done those much easier (as I do for the sheep and goats).... but I guess that's not possible for dogs/pets...
How else am I getting these tablets into her?