Hiya Remy
sorry to hear you lost sheep but glad to hear this one seems to be picking up!
I've been reading this thread with interest as I am so new to having sheep of my own and while the sheep co-operative kept their stock on our land, one of them dropped dead and I am now trying to get ontop of a worm problem with the 2 I've bought from them. So thank you for sharing you experience, its helping me - and I hope that the replies you've received have been helpful to you also
Hi, I'm glad my experiences are of help
. If nothing else the problems I've had with these sheep have taught me to be extra vigilant with them all (I'm paranoid about checking rear ends for scours now!). Also I'm much more aware of looking out for any signs of a sheep being more quiet than usual, or not as enthusiastic about food, as it's been staggering how quickly they can go from being slightly off to knocking at death's door. In my limited experience I have had an adult sheep just drop dead whilst not showing obvious signs of illness, and I've lost a lamb to flystrike very quickly. Flystrike is awful and I've had to deal with it many times, so I can spot the symptoms of that very quickly. It even affected my poor old pony (I didn't know horses could get it, but apparently they can, although it's not common) and I had to shave his entire tail off!
Strangely this little lamb seemed far more poorly than her sister, who died, who knows why some survive and some don't! I do get the impression a lot of them give up quite easily