We have a Stanley Superstar which I think is now sold as the "Donnard". Think it was about 20 years old when we bought it for £750 in '05. I installed it myself and it runs on peat and scrap wood. It powers 9 radiators and although the house is not roasting hot it's very comfortable. It heats our hot water and we do a lot of our cooking on it.
The peat is "free" if you don't count the work cutting it
and the pallets we cut up are free too.
The boiler developed a leak last year and rather than mess about with repairs that may or may not work, I put in a brand new boiler which cost about £400. I guess that it's now good for another 25 years. I have to let it out to clean it once a week which takes about an hour (peat is not a very clean fuel) but apart from that it's maintenance free.
There is always at least one of us at home to keep it fueled up which is an important consideration. It would not be nearly as usefull if we worked away from home all day.
The output of the stove is supposed to be 17 Kw to water running on anthracite, but on peat I guess we are getting only about half that.
We certainly would not want to be without it!