Well the big day came and went today. I was really surprised at the lack of questions about worming/ minerals/fluke etc. Equally I think they preferred my ram lamb to my senior ram (I don't). I think we are too new a flock to score high on uniformity but the inspectors thought my crowd scored fairly well there. I like medium sized 2 horned Jacobs with lots of colour, one liked 4 horned sheep with lots of white, the other liked very large Jacobs. The light went while they were here so most of the inspection took place under electric lights but on the whole my crowd behaved themselves beautifully. I don't think the results are announced until the Christmas dinner in December but I do at least feel that I can be a little bit pleased with the way things went. I don't expect we will be very high up in the order but equally I don't think we have totally disgraced ourselves.