There used to be a 'read it and pass it on scheme'. It had boxes of books in waiting rooms, schools etc and people just added , took away or swapped books to the box. I look after a camping hostel and have a box in there for the tourists to swap there hliday reads in.
I used to do a lot of my Christmas "shopping" at my Book Club's December 'Swap Shop'! (Can't stand the commercialism of it, but love giving presents I know the recipient will love - so charity shops and swap shops suit me well! Oh, and this year, quite a few TAS[er]-made gifts were given...
At Uni, there was a book doing the rounds - you could read it but had to write your name in the cover and pass it on with the same stipulation. I often wonder where it ended up, and whether I have unknowingling met one or more people who have read that copy of that book since it left me... It was 'Eating People is Wrong' by Malcolm Bradbury (and a jolly good read it was too.)
I am nothing like organised enough to play this game at the moment, but when I eventually get myself sorted and boxes unpacked, I'll be posting on here, for sure!