hi all on the forum ,me and the wife decided to keep some chickens so i built a coop ,and introduced some young p.o.l girls into it ,a r.i.r cross ,a couple of sussex,and a lovely black and copper maran ,had them about 4 days now let them out every morning till dusk so they can have a roam in the garden ,even had 4 eggs which totally stunned us as i did not think they would lay just yet ,but alas today let out the hens and all shot off tearing up the turf and variousother things in the garden except the maran she just strolled out and stood about no pecking no scratching which i thought odd as normally she is in the thick of it with the rest ,she just keeps stretching her neck and making strange noises ,the other birds noticing she was not feeling to well started to peck at her is this normall ,so tonight she is indoors in the warm in her own straw filled box with food and water ,hope i dont sound too soft by doing this ,contacted the breeder and i shall be taking the maran to her in the morning to see if she can shed any light on the problem ,i thought maybe she has eaten something she shouldent out of the garden