Waste of time and a very expensive installation cost which takes a long long time to re-pay. The Royal Collage of Engineers announced in January 2012 that they were recognising that plumbers are currently not trained or experienced enough for the eco technology ie installation of boiler stoves. We recognised this several years ago and withdrew our boiler stoves from the market. Translated plumbers were a hit and miss for installation and we were finding some plumbers taking £2000 to £3000 to leave with a plumbing system that did not work, not just from our stoves but from all boiler stoves on the market. We feel chances of finding an installer who can actually fit it is minimal as the knowledge has been lost over a generation, young plumbers are not up to the technology and the cost of fitting outweighs the benefit of any hot water produced.
Just go for the largest woodburner you can install without a boiler.