cheers Morgan,
it is nice to know there are others out there that feel the same....The feed companies are steering their way to what boils down to total control of the food supply . This isn't just a conspiracy theory whacko Jacko statement , but one which becomes very obvious when you look deeper into what they are doing . Grain, whether barley , wheat , oats or whatever, used to be grown on farm and either sold at market ,or fed to animal stock . Next years seed was always kept back from the harvest, and sown at the appropriate time. This could go on for a number of years before new seed was needed. However , with GM seed ,even non GM, named varieties, the seed will not be 100% viable . This is part of the GM modification . The reason for this is you are tied into buying next years seed from the company year after year ad-infinitum, handy little thing that . In a very short time they will have the world over a barrel UNLESS people like us keep the old varieties alive. It is already ILLEGAL to sell an old variety not on the seed list . Example: I bought some Square Heads Master wheat seed . It is an old variety of wheat from the 1880's grown for use as a thatching straw (it grows to 5 feet or more tall) . I had to buy it as chicken feed from the thatcher that sold it to me , otherwise he would have been breaking the law if he had sold it as either thatching wheat seed or even as just wheat seed .This because it has fallen off the seed list. I can only assume the reason they are doing this , is money ...I hate to think what other reasons they could have . I now grow only older varieties of whatever I grow , either grain or veg and have started to save all my own seed . The days of a guaranteed supply year on year , are sadly long gone. We now know beyond doubt , that THEY ? will not look after us , THEY ? are just looking after themselves £££££ . That leaves it down to US to look after OURSELVES and all the other people like us . This , without doubt again , is happening on this forum already . People sharing information and knowledge with like minded others . Selling purebred/pedigree animals to each other and as time goes by no doubt grain and veg seed too, as it becomes more and more expensive to buy elsewhere, and GM seed becomes even more widespread than now. It seems more and more likely , to me , that it will be people such as on this forum, that will keep our food as it should be and as we want it ...GM free .