I've got a flock of 20 rangers, about 6months old. Had a few little worries over diarrhoea at the beginning, and some 'off colour' hens but nothing serious.
I regularly worm them. in fact it was only 2weeks ago, and they are generally extremely healthy and happy. No lice, and the red mites seem to be under control, only a few, and nowhere really for them to live in the shed.
Chicken bliss you'd imagine, but not tonight......!
I came home to find one alone at the end of the run, a little puffed up and very subdued. Not eating, and nothing in the crop. Very watery greenish droppings (I suppose she's not been eating for a little while), and no discharge from vent, nostrils or eyes.
Short of ringing the vet & possible antibiotics is there anything I can do to 'treat' her and improve her chances? She looks decidedly dodgy right now.
She's in isolation and I'll be keeping a close eye on her and the others.
Any ideas/help/suggestions greatfully recieved....