What happens if a ewe is served by both tups at the same time? For our pedigree flock we run 5 or 6 separate groups of ewes each with one tup. We have never had an infertile tup, although one year we had borrowed a texel lamb who the ewes refused to accept - very colour prejudiced - so after a few weeks we swapped him for another. So if it was me I would divide the group into two halves, and run one tup with each half, in separate paddocks. If you feel there might be an infertility problem then after a full 3 weeks swap the tups around, using different coloured raddles (we don't use raddle as our tups are black, so we are just observant
Your idea would work too but I suppose it depends on whose genes you are most keen to have in your lambs. By using two tups each on half the flock, once those daughters come up to tupping age, you can swap tups without inbreeding - provided your tups are unrelated
Also if it was my tups, the one left out would simply find a way to jump in with the ewes while your back was turned