Author Topic: Wanted,Original no additive Scrumpy recipe please!  (Read 5842 times)


  • Guest
Wanted,Original no additive Scrumpy recipe please!
« on: September 15, 2011, 02:02:07 pm »
we have lots of apples available to make some Scrumpy,however,I just cannot find an original non additive recipe!

As far as my knowledge is,Scrumpy is very old,and in the past they did not have brewers yeast and such,just using the natural yeast content. We are looking to make an original cloudy recipe.

If anyone can advise,it would be appreciated!


  • Joined Jun 2008
  • East Yorkshire
Re: Wanted,Original no additive Scrumpy recipe please!
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2011, 02:18:46 pm »
Follow this link - think i've posted if before but it's a good guide:

Simple really, just juice your apples into a fermenting vessel under airlock, allow to ferment for 2-3 weeks (the natural yeast on the apples will see to this as long as you don't wash them) then either drink it or transfer it to bottles/pressure barrel to mature.

PS - i'd recommend stocking up on the paracetamol for the morning after  ;D


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