I couldn't get home from work at lunchtime today as I usually do. First port of call when I finally got in at 5:00 was the shed housing my week old cream legbar chicks to find that their drinker was dry. Not thinking too much about it (there was plenty there this morning and they couldn't have been out of water for more than an hour or so) I trundles off to fill it. When I came back there where three chicks lying on their sides with one wing spread out. The others all looked fine so I picked the three up and put them under another lamp in a small tray. Offered them one at a time to some water which they drank and immediately started to look better. When I went back to the main shed there were another four chicks lying in the same prone position and not moving. I thought I was going to pay the price for my carelessness but these four responded in the same way to a dropper of water. I ended up reviving 11 chicks in all from what looked like a nearly dead situation. I guess I got back just in the nick of time. I've found a bigger drinker now and believe me I'll be more careful in future. I've posted this tale to warn those who have chicks for the first time just how fragile they are, and how quickly they can be brought back from the brink. All 11 are now back in with the others and eating, drinking and sprinting about, showing no sign whatever of their near death experience, and it's only 6:30.