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Author Topic: bullied Goat  (Read 3293 times)


  • Joined Mar 2010
  • Shillingstone, Dorset
    • Bere Marsh Farm
bullied Goat
« on: June 12, 2011, 10:38:15 am »
There's been a change around in the pecking order and one of my favourites is now being bullied.  She is the mother of triplets and this morning I found her shivering and cold and presumably she has been kept out of the shelter most of the night in this horrible rain.

I have shut them inside with lots of fresh hay, but there is quite a lot of argy-bargy going on - should I worry as the thumps are quite hard, or will they just sort it out?  It is just a field shelter (pig arc size) so 3 mums and 8 kids are Ok but a bit squashed


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Re: bullied Goat
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2011, 02:19:40 pm »
It might be the size (it being a squash) that is causing the argy bargy. If she doesn't have any room to get out of the other one's way then they are just going to continue to bully her. Is there no way to give them a bit more room? Maybe by splitting out the mum that has triplets? If I am remembering right you have the barn as well. If she has been out all night in bad weather, she might be better kept in for a couple of nights, and you can keep an close eye on her as goats can catch pneumonia quite easily.



  • Joined Aug 2012
  • Cumbria/N Yorks border
Re: bullied Goat
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2011, 02:34:42 pm »
Might need to invest in a second shelter I think. The weaker ones then have the choice of going somewhere else, away from the bullies  :-\


  • Joined Mar 2010
  • Shillingstone, Dorset
    • Bere Marsh Farm
Re: bullied Goat
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2011, 03:32:37 pm »
i think so too - this day took me by surprise - it hasn't stopped raining and blowing a gale all day!


  • Joined Mar 2010
  • Shillingstone, Dorset
    • Bere Marsh Farm
Re: bullied Goat
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2011, 03:37:24 pm »
OK, 2 options - first, I take her and her kids back to barn which hasn't been mucked out after winter - will it be OK - seems very nice and dry as it is on chalk so can spread a fresh layer of straw.
or - put her in a smaller brick pig sty with fresh straw but it is unfamiliar and next to the pigs and has had the ducks in for a few days since it was cleaned out

Going to get soaked for the 5th time either way!!!

little blue

  • Joined Jun 2009
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Re: bullied Goat
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2011, 05:03:19 pm »
I'd say the barn - somewhere familiar & roomy, and probably quieter for her to get her confidence back.
hope she goes on ok...
Little Blue


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Re: bullied Goat
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2011, 06:32:19 pm »
I think either would be fine to be honest. Sorry about the soaking, but I do think it would be best!



  • Joined Mar 2010
  • Shillingstone, Dorset
    • Bere Marsh Farm
Re: bullied Goat
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2011, 06:45:57 pm »
Update:  i fed them and then, as it had just about stopped raining, let them all into my chicken and duck garden which hasn't been mowed for a couple of weeks so lovely yummy grass and lots of nettles and thistles round the edges.  Had to stay with them to stop them eating the apple trees but have just put them back in their paddock after a couple of hours and they seem dryer and happier.

So - am going to watch and see and if they settle down I'll leave them or if any trouble, I'll split them up

it was such a vile day that it was the first time they had had to go inside since turnout a month or so ago! 


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