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Author Topic: Yet again, Kid scours...  (Read 3223 times)


  • Joined Mar 2011
Yet again, Kid scours...
« on: May 23, 2011, 09:38:31 am »

I know that there are hundreds of posts about kid scours on here but having read through them they don't appear to answer my quandary.

I have two mums and their 4 kids in an enclosure, always fresh bedding etc. Now two of the kids, not from the same mother have scours. One, the little boy, has almost green poo and liquid. The little girls is leaning more towards yellow. They are still on their mums and are eating a little bit of hay only, basically it is in the pen and they are showing an interest. But other than that nothing else. They are alert, bouncy and playful. They are from two different mums and the siblings of those with the scours appear to be fine.

A) what do you think could be the cause?
B) as a result what would be the best course of treatment?

Thank you in advance,




  • Joined Dec 2009
  • St Boswells, Scottish Borders
Re: Yet again, Kid scours...
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2011, 10:02:31 am »
I would first check their temperature to rule out/in some kind of infection. If normal it is probably just something they or their mums (!) have eaten.... the milk can get tainted if the dam eats things like brassicas, garlic or similar (or gets some kind of medication - wormer?) and the kids may just not like it.... If they are alert and otherwise happy I would just keep an eye on it for a couple of days, also watch them suckling. If it continues and you are getting worried it would probably have to be the vet

Oh and clean out the pen again, wash floor with something strong and let it dry. Then lots of fresh bedding.

The one with the green poo may have just eaten some grass/greenery that he got hold of somehow?


  • Joined Oct 2010
  • Okehampton
Re: Yet again, Kid scours...
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2011, 12:13:01 pm »
Agree with Anke.... kids do the most extraordinary things, like sucking any protrusion which could have been contaminated. 

How old are the babies... if about 3 weeks, the rumen is just beginning to function and niggly problems can occur at this time.   The greeny poo suggests contamination.   Even hurdles offer opportunities to suck/chew.


  • Joined Mar 2011
Re: Yet again, Kid scours...
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2011, 01:19:08 pm »
They are 4 and 5 weeks old.

I can only think that it must be something I have fed the mums from one of my foraging excursions. I only ever give them the greens that are 'safe' for them. They have been in that pen since just after they were born, nothing new, bar me i suppose, has gone in there.

They do chew and suck on everything but like I say it's nothing that they haven't  already been sucking and chewing on for the last 4/5 weeks!

Will keep an eye on it and see how they go. As long as they are still full of beens and suckling of the mums then I'm not too worried, bar having 'clean-ups' to do!

Thanks folks.


  • Joined May 2009
  • Peak District
Re: Yet again, Kid scours...
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2011, 01:53:11 pm »
At this time of year any grass the mother goat eats, and including leaves, are going to be at their strongest, very rich.  This in turn will come through in the milk.  I pick leaves for our goats, and they smell really strong at the moment ......and the milk has a stronger taste too.  Also, the kids may be finding their mum has more milk, and pigging out a bit!!


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