Author Topic: Geothermal Energy  (Read 8291 times)


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Geothermal Energy
« on: May 20, 2011, 09:16:00 pm »
Having gone through the Wind Farm topic - and educated more about Scotland than I thought possible  ;)  - I was surprised that nobody mentioned the development - or lack - of geothermal energy in trying to confront the burden of CO2 production alongside the requirement for energy.
My Dad (at 87) is a chemical engineer by training and worked for some of the big oil companies in the past (50's and 60's). In the last year or so he has become incredibly enthused about the prospect of turning to the geothermal power plant available to us in the form of the earth's mantle.
Geothermal energy is used in Iceland and some other countries, but only to a very small degree, but the technology and expertise already exists to tap into the available energy in other places as well, although there seems to be a huge reluctance. Dad therefore wrote a dissertation about it, entitled 'A Political Imperative - Geothermal Energy'. and sent off copies to MPs and energy advisors etc etc.
If you are interested in reading the dissertation then it can be downloaded from:
As there are a couple of TAS members who work in the renewable energy sector I'd be very interested in any thoughts on this unexploited energy resource.
 :wave: :wave:


  • Joined Feb 2010
Re: Geothermal Energy
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2011, 11:54:07 pm »
As in all alternative energies dont get conned . Only works on houses insulated for it and suitable leccy arrangements. New builds are a yes old houses have to be adapted.


  • Joined Apr 2011
Re: Geothermal Energy
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2011, 08:22:06 am »
If you are interested in reading the dissertation then it can be downloaded from:
As there are a couple of TAS members who work in the renewable energy sector I'd be very interested in any thoughts on this unexploited energy resource.
 :wave: :wave:
Very interesting and for an 87 year old very impressive, mine usually struggles to find his glasses :)

Norfolk Newby

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Re: Geothermal Energy
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2011, 10:56:37 am »
As you say, the Icelanders have been using geothermal energy as heating for buildings and to drive generators for electricity for quite a while now.

However, they have many active volcanoes and a lot of geothermal activity; hot springs etc. New Zealand also has hot springs and so does the USA and I think so does Japan. However, if you don't find these you will probably have to drill down a long way to find a good source of heat.

This drilling is very expensive.

Then there is the cost of pipe and pumps to force water down into the ground so that it is heated and can then be used at the surface. Pumping costs for deep wells are a big factor in deciding whether the system will work economically.

The water can be very corrosive or contain dissolved minerals which block the pipe higher up there the pressure is less. Replacing blocked or badly corroded pipes can also make the system too expensive to justify.

However, where there is heat near the surface it is definitely a good thing.
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  • Joined Oct 2008
Re: Geothermal Energy
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2011, 10:57:09 am »
if we were in an active area then you could get very hot and useful power. but in the uk you will need to drill very deep to get it. japan seems to be planning to switch away from nuclar to thermal. deep ground source pumps are an alternative. reto fitting older houses with good insulation would be you first step before opting for any new green energy source. our district heating scheme in lerwick would be very similar to how geothermal energy would be used
« Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 10:59:09 am by shetlandpaul »


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Re: Geothermal Energy
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2011, 10:40:58 am »
As in all alternative energies dont get conned . Only works on houses insulated for it and suitable leccy arrangements. New builds are a yes old houses have to be adapted.

Very true for small-scale installations like domestic ground source heat pumps.

But this is more about large-scale extraction of energy from geo-thermal sources, and conversion to electricity as well as use for heating.

Apart from Sudanpan's dad's site (a good read) there's loads online about the Redruth GTE power station, e.g.:


  • Joined Mar 2010
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Re: Geothermal Energy
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2011, 11:18:19 am »
Don't forget about Southampton's system too!
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