Author Topic: Hello Everyone!  (Read 8134 times)


  • Joined Oct 2008
  • Normandy, France
Hello Everyone!
« on: October 21, 2007, 10:22:31 pm »
We are new to the Forum and live in Normandy, nr Avranches (dept.50),France. We used to belong to the suit and briefcase brigade, and now live in patched jeans and wellies!!
We have a smallholding that has been growing slowly over the last three years. We have Tamworths, Saddlebacks, Vietnamese Potbellies, Mangalitza pigs, goats, chooks, geese and ducks and assorted dogs and cats and just love our life. Our daughter is branching out into the fancy poultry with an eye on the cash for next spring - Silkies, Frizzies, Japanese Bantums and Phonix Bantums to get her going.  We are soon to add a couple of Rouge L'Ouest ewes to our family and have a Oussant ram arriving in a couple of weeks. We are desparately trying to source a couple of young ladies for our young man, but they are very hard to locate in these parts. I have some promised for next May unless I can source any earlier,so he may have to take few cold showers for a while!!
It is hard to make your way in France, especially with a life change as we have, but although hard it is oh so enjoyable. We are just moving to another property with a lot more land, and from there we will be selling our pork products to both the French and English.We will soon be importing Mangalitzas from Austria, hoping to commence a breeding programme of the different types with our friends in Britanny - Blonds, Reds and unrelated Swallow Bellies - we are very excited about this.
We are very pleased to have found this forum since the one we currently belong to in France is soon to close down. We look forward to reading and participating in the various topics on this site and hope we may be able to contribute as well.

John and Kate (Pigsatlesrues).
Bonjour et avoir un bon jour !


  • Joined Oct 2007
Re: Hello Everyone!
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2007, 10:50:18 am »
Hi John and Kate, it all sounds wonderful, lucky you's... ;D


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