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Author Topic: When to give hepvacP injection  (Read 3534 times)


  • Joined Jul 2010
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When to give hepvacP injection
« on: May 07, 2011, 10:48:22 pm »

I didn't give my ewe her hepvac-P injection pre lambing, (twins 3 weeks old this coming wed) mostly because I wasn't sure of her date to lamb. And she is a bit wild - though after all the handling while she was lambing and the 'special' mollycoddling - bringing her in at night so she could get some rest and some short feed, she has become a little more amiable.

Not being penny piching but!! it meant opening the bottle just for one ewe - wheras now I could give two more ewes (now showing that they are in lamb - precise date of lambing still unsure...but in the next few weeks, 2nd timer bagging up and swelling at rear end, the other 1st timer not showing much but has teats swelling though not a lot happening at her rear end yet).

Do I give the 1st ewe an injection?  Can I give the lambs an injection or do they need to be older?

Also the lambs are eating some of the 18% ewe nuts and coarse mix from her bowl is this alright - don't want them to bloat.  I put in about 1/2 lb in the morning but she doesn't eat it all so top it up at night to another 1/2lb.  She dosen't eat it all straight away but it all gone by morning.They are out to grass during the day and have hay overnight, not that she eats much of that, I have seen the lambs nibbling both grass and hay. 

Advice please...
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  • Joined Jan 2011
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Re: When to give hepvacP injection
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2011, 01:09:44 pm »
I M O treat ewes and lambs  now no prob ,dont forget lambs need 2nd injection 4-6wks after first. Lambs eating hard food no prob . If the ewe is not keen on the feed  she doesnt need it getting enough from the grass, be carefull if you overfeed the in -lamb ones can get big lambs and lambing problems


  • Joined Jul 2008
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Re: When to give hepvacP injection
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2011, 05:17:43 pm »
The ewe that has lambed and her 3 week old lambs (that's the minimum age to vaccinate) I would give them their heptovac now. If you inject the other ewes they will not now have enough time (normally given 4-6 weeks before lambing) to pass on any immunity to the diseases covered by this product so lambs will have to be vaccinated bang on 3 weeks of age to try to avoid them catching anything.
Had the same situation myself this year with one ewe lambing three weeks later than the rest, so her lamb not covered, so vaccinated at 3weeks on the dot, when all the others were having their second injection 4 weeks after the first.
I will have to buy another bottle of Heptovac P Plus for her to have her second injection but will also vaccinate our alpaca at the same time.
hope this helps.
Penybont Ryelands. Ystwyth Coloured Ryelands.  2 alpacas, 2 angora goats, 2 anglo nubian kids, 3golden retrievers a collie and a red fox labrador retriever, geese, ducks & chickens.


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