It probably is nothing to worry about, BUT, if the kid is more than 3 days old then be watchful.
It is about this time...3 -10 days old that 'floppy kid syndrome' strikes. The early symptoms are weakness, tiredness etc.
There is a simple magic cure !!! The condition is caused by acid imbalance in the gut. Give a teaspoon 5ml, of Gaviscon in a tiny syringe straight down the gullet. Another way is in a bottle with a similar anount of warm water.... they seem to love it !!!
If you haven't got the liquid form, crush 1 tablet into warm water.
The results are very quick... within 3 or 4 hours the kid will be almost normal.
I had a floppy kid last year and lost it before I realised what was happening.... the Vet told me about Gaviscon.
So when it happened a second time , I recognised the early symptoms and duly dosed with Gaviscon. Kid recovered in hours. Vet did say keep kid in the warm whilst the recovery was happening because the body has one less thing to worry about !