We have one more ewe left to lamb and all the other ewes have lambed in the last few weeks with no problems and being Ouessants the lambs are able to outrun me within an hour of birth. All the lambs are strong and fast and their mums doting......they like nothing better than to charge around in a large gang of an evening and chase the odd crow or phesant.....
Well yesterday morning the sheep were sitting in the sun and I happened to look out of a window and saw a lamb flat out near its mum who was happily cudding....something did not look right so I grabbed some binoculars.....and watched a crow sidle up and have a peck....
Moved very fast and ran to field to find warm but dead lamb with anus pecked out
This was one of the biggest and strongest ram lambs that was a possible stud ram as it was grey.....I was gutted. Nothing appeared to be odd, lamb had been fine the evening before....so decided to ask vet for PM as I don't vaccinate.
He was intrigued....he is a proper sheep vet who keeps a good flock himself. He concluded that the lamb was a cracker, a real good strong lamb with no possible illnesses and recent milk in stomach. He said trauma had killed it and he thinks that it was attacked by crows as it laid in the sun
He said he had seen this once before and the crows go for the anus as there may be a tiny bit of poo there that attracts them and once one had pecked hard whilst the lamb was relaxing the second will do the same immediately and death from shock is quick.....
I have to admit in all my years I have never heard nor seen a crow attack a 2 week old strong lamb but it obviously can happen so be on your guard for yet something else! We are going to shoot the b#####s