Hey everyone, I've researched nearly everything anyone could possibly imagine...and still need some moral support and advice lol. We are in the final planning stages of designing a coop/run, and I am simply wanting to verify that the space is adequate.
We are going with a 10x10 coop that will be 5-6 feet tall (can't decide what would be better since it will be on a 12-18 inch lift and I am 5 foot 5 lol), with 15 nest boxes (10 high, 5 centered directly underneath the top 10), and a 10 foot roost running in front of the nest boxes, another 10 foot one running a foot high, and 2 3 foot corner ones.
We live on an acre of land, but because of our location (3000 acres of forest behind our property which is near a very large lake...) I am only comfortable with supervised (as in me physically out there paying attention) free range. So about 1/2 the time they would be in a "run". I'm planning on a 20x20 run, with all saftey precautions to the chickens considered.
Would this be a decent (fair to the chickens) set up for the following: 10 Blue Silkie Bantam's, 10 Mille Fleur d'Uccle Bantam's, and 8 Silver Laced Wyandotte's?

I'm trying really hard to do this right, and make sure we'll have a happy lil group. They are mainly going to be just for the joy of having them, I don't even eat eggs lol. My husband and kids will eat any eggs we get most likely. But they are mainly just going to be our new lil buddies, and I want them to be happy.
I do think that it is important for me to mention that within 12 months we plan on building an identically sized coup and expanding their "run" space. Is this a plan that will work, or are we in over our heads on numbers?
Thanks to anyone that takes the time to reply, we're just trying to not mess up here lol.