Hi. I hope someone can help. I had my one of my shetland ewes put down last week. The vet said she had liver fluke and we dosed her and she lasted another 2 weeks but never really improved at all.
Another shetland has it too. She was dosed 2 weeks ago and her face isn't as swollen but she is very thin and walks a bit like she's drunk (I forgot to say I'm new to this and a bit clueless) and sleeps away from the flock.
I'm not sure if I should dose her again- I gave her Fasimec Duo's- but it says 30 days on the bottle. Or just leave her (because she is eating and walks about, not like the one who died)
Or whether to get the vet again. Except that I'm not sure if the vet helped the other one, or if we just prolonged the inevitable. From the vets bill, I know my last sheep had Alamycin, Colvasone, Multivitamin (first visit) plus Voren and Betamox (2nd visit).
Expensive though it is, I am prepared to get the vet again, but just wondered if anyone knew if this was the right approach, or what to do.
Thank you very much, Joanne xxx