I am breeding a few , i recently got back into them after many years , i find i get a better return when i sell them to mates , work mates etc , i get £2 each, but most guys take 2 and give me a £5, i also barter a few with with a couple of mates one of whom makes cider , the other is a baker.
I keep mine in an old garage 16ft long x 10ft wide , i have made 2 runs on each side of the garage 8ft x 3 ft which is where i keep the youngsters , above them i have 5 cages each side 3ft x 2ft6ins where the does are kept , my 2 bucks live outside in a double tiered hutch this eliminates the problems of spraying urine and the smell that goes with it, at present i have 8 does and two bucks , i think i might up the does as and when demand proves necessary, i intend to use a couple of ark type hutch's on grass to rest the does in between pregnancy's, fortunately i manage to "glean " a lot of feeding from an allotment site ,a greengrocers,fruit from a school, and my baker mate, only feeding corn to the does when nursing youngsters, and in the 7 days prior to mating.