Most properties have things called easements either in their favour or against them and these can arise by usage or by agreement. So a right of way can be agreed formally or just happen by usage over time. Shooting and fishing rights don't always go with the land. And you can't knock down half a semi-detached house without supporting the rest. Utility poles are a variant called a wayleave where there is a specific agreement for your land to be used for something from which you may not benefit.
These used to pay derisory amounts each year but over time many utility companies paid a capital amount to the then owner to avoid the admin of paying a fiver a year.
Although often expressed as terminable, or having expiry dates, they mostly aren't or don't. Case law is heavily in favour of the utilities though the Law Commission is on the case, so never ever sign one or agree to a variation without specialist legal advice. You could sign away a lot of money.