Hi all
Although I've followed TAS for a few years, I've never joined the forum. (I'm not one for lots of online communication - must be something to do with my old career in the IT industry!) Anyway, for many a year we've had a plan to move somewhere with a bit more land in order to grow more veg, and have more livestock. At the end of last year we moved - have now got about 2 and a half acres. And... it's all nicely mown grass. But I'm sure we'll soon change that - apparently the last resident spent hours and hours mowing. Even though we've inherited his ride-on, I can't see us being that motivated to spend that much time mowing grass - far better to be doing useful things like digging, planting and generally producing good food. It's a bit earlier than we planned (we just got too impatient). So we'll be taking it gently due to financial constraints. We have been doing planning of the veg plot, and hopefully will start work soon. It's quite a task - will need fencing in to stop the rabbits and other wildlife getting to our produce before we do. Anyway, I'm sure we'll have lots of questions about many different topics, so hopefully some of you out there may be able to help us.
I will do my best to keep you posted on progress.