Re cattle, why folk say they are a nightmare is beyond me!
They arent, to me they are like dogs, depends on how YOU handle them.
Mum used to have some right nutters, Limousine X!
Me? I have a different opinion, nasty and they go!
The ones I have reared and eaten, some have been bought as calves, reared on a bucket, halter trained, tied trained, so when TB tested, they are tied to a gate and stand calmly. Bullocks were castrated (by vet) by being tied to a gate and the gate pushed in on them to restrain them. (Our gates, depending on which set of hinges they hang on, go different directions for different purposes). Calves that were born here, though reared by their mums, I have still halter trained, we're currently eating Effy!
Cattle ARE fun! Yes, they can be ockered, but buy a calf in and rear it. Buy 2 so it has company. If there is a dairy farmer nearby, try and get a.couple of calves off them. I have reared Brown Swiss X twice, the first one I took to 29months, he was magnificent! He filled several freezers! The 2nd one, I sold half as we still had some of the 1st one left.
Speak to your vet, mine are happy with my setup, animals are quiet.
But to be honest, you DON'T want ANY animal that looks at you and thinks target practice. Would you have a dangerous dog?