It's many years since our free range flock was last attacked by a fox. That time it was a town fox brought out to the countryside by someone who knew no better. The poor thing had little idea of how to hunt and was starving, having been dumped in another fox's territory. It killed a dozen or so hens and left most of the corpses lying where they were killed.
A couple of days ago my recent flock of only four hens was killed (during the day) and every body removed. This was obviously not a townie release, but a breeding vixen.
The large field which surrounds our smallholding had been harvested for silage the day before. Rural foxes make voles, hares and other small mammals their main diet, so when the field suddenly became bare, their hunting ground was gone, but the cubs still had to be fed. It was only a short step to find my four fat hens dust batheing. Ah well

. The other half doesn't want to keep hens any more, but I love them so and to me home isn't home without at least a few hens around
So be aware that silage making and baby foxes put our hens at risk at this time of year.