Gosh she's young to have a litter and to be honest too young to be spayed. I always recommend avoiding problems and neutering at 2 years. Her bones won't have joined up properly yet. Her hormones won't have fully kicked in. And I know you'll know all that, but vets annoy me when they recommend early spaying
I can't criticise your wee one - I did the same as your 4 year old when I was eleven! and should have had more sense

At least they were normal breeds cocker/lab and easily found pet homes
I would have had a very tender BTM for a while - and can still remember my Dad's anger at 81

and I've been paranoid about bitches in season ever since

How is Luna doing? How many did she have? I'm sure they'll make great working dogs from what I've read about them - possibly more than just farm dogs though.
Have you contacted BASC or any of the other shooting or hawking associations? Deerhounds aren't used for working much these days but they probably have similar attributes
Good luck finding appropriate homes for them