Author Topic: lump in castrated yearlings scrotum  (Read 3434 times)


  • Joined Nov 2017
lump in castrated yearlings scrotum
« on: May 06, 2024, 07:57:31 pm »
so, co-incidentally a vet is actually coming to the island tomorrow so i will know for sure then but 2 days ago i discovered a lump in the right hand side of the scrotum of my pet vet-castrated ram lamb.
His behaviour the last few days has been much more attention seeking and wanting to sleep next to me (he'e been out with flock and independent since the autumn)
A few weeks ago he had been one of the ones chasing my elderly ewe, if you remember, and at the time i just put it down to the weather improving and the youngsters playing up
But a few days ago i saw him lip curling and then i found the lump and im 1) concerned that he is ok but now also 2) worried i may have a bunch of pregnant sheep none of who are in a condition to be pregnant (all too fat)!!!
Anyone had an issue with a veterinary castration not going as it should before....?
Im thinking im going to have to request abortion injections again, dont know if vet can tell if ewes are early pregnant without an ultrasound monitor....?


  • Joined Nov 2017
Re: lump in castrated yearlings scrotum
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2024, 11:15:31 am »
update, well vet couldnt determine what it was by feel and said it would be VERY unlikely to be a testicle if a vet had done the procedure and also said he did not have the tools to investigate- as should it be a hernia or something we would then be in a sticky situation. So he remains with a lump and no surgery.
Also unable to determine fecundity (need a probe) or pregnnancy (dont have portable ultra sound) so i have raddled the lamb to see if he has any humping tendencies but basically this will be ANOTHER one of those years where i catastrophise about what could happen... hohum


  • Joined Jan 2011
  • Dumfries & Galloway
Re: lump in castrated yearlings scrotum
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2024, 04:04:22 pm »
Are you saying that he was rubber ringed ?  any lamb or calf iv'e seen that was rung with 1 testicle left up in the body slowly develops into a very male looking animal  with a proud round swelling where the scrotum should be , they display all male tendencies , but normally the testicle is to warm to produce viable sperm  BUT in a very very cold winter period they " can "  be fertile


  • Joined Nov 2017
Re: lump in castrated yearlings scrotum
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2024, 05:44:28 pm »
no by vet castrated i meant (as i dont like rubber ring method and animals are too old for it anyway here) the (under local anaestetic) open surgical method: cut off base of scrotum, pull out testicles, leave to drain and heal open (no stitches).
All my others have been done that way in the past but this time, only by chance i felt a lump in the scrotum - its been over 6months since he was castrated.
He HAS been showing rammy signs (at least my mnd is now putting 2+2 together)- chasing my old yowe, and lip curling. His horns are growing better than the other castrates did too...... could just be me imagining things though and he is actually just being an adolescent (i saw the two 2yo castrates trying to beat up my 6yo castrate earlier- i had to intervene, so may just have been play fighting with this young castrate im concerned about too.)
Vet had a good feel and said was really unlikely to be left behind material but was worried if it was a hernia and we opened the scrotum to investigate we would not be able to do anything (ie id have to pts my lamb).


  • Joined Jan 2011
  • Dumfries & Galloway
Re: lump in castrated yearlings scrotum
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2024, 06:42:59 pm »
OK so should be no chance of any testicle left behind  , if its a hernia then you will just have to keep an eye on him , wonder if you could make some kind of a support in the same way that they would give a human , my dad wore an elasticated belt for about 10yrs as they would not operate on his hernia as they said he was overweight
« Last Edit: May 08, 2024, 07:43:15 am by shep53 »


  • Joined Nov 2017
Re: lump in castrated yearlings scrotum
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2024, 10:50:48 am »
yes i am thinking more hernia now and today the whole scrotum is hard not just one side. Hve called the vet who did the procedure last year, waiting reply. Hoping he can just live with it (i had a sheep with a side hernia who wasnt bothered by it). I think its just cos gravity is bearing on it and hes a young playful sheep is more concerning.


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