Author Topic: Farmers  (Read 7164 times)


  • Joined Nov 2008
« on: March 07, 2011, 12:03:12 pm »
Around here the some of the farmers need to learn to tidy up their act a bit. I know there is always something to keep them busy but thats no excuse for erecting a new fence and leaving the old one with rusty wire to just fall onto the grass verge and there it stays. I no longer ride thank goodness but others do and the only way cars can pass beside us due to narrow road is if the rider goes onto the verge, once fence has been overgrown its almost impossible to see, just a death trap for horses and dog walkers. Makes me so mad for there is nothing worse than old rusty barbed wire its just should not be allowed. Not in a good mood today  :o

robert waddell

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Re: Farmers
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2011, 03:21:54 pm »
i agree with you not only the safety aspect but the untidynes of it there is no nead for it along with gates that does not  swing and untidy woods


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Re: Farmers
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2011, 03:37:34 pm »
Just as well you've only seen my place in the dark then !  :o ;) ;D ;D ;D
BUT I don't have old fences lying around - that's just plain dangerous.

robert waddell

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Re: Farmers
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2011, 03:44:00 pm »
yes happy hippy you are forgetting it could be an Aladdin's cave .it will not be the first time some rarity has been unearthed from junk
some time i will let you see all the treasures that i have dug up


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Re: Farmers
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2011, 08:02:10 pm »
I expect to see the Antiques Roadshow from Yonderton  ;D


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Re: Farmers
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2011, 09:00:02 pm »
Ha ha - more likely to be scrapheap challenge Rosemary !  :o ;D
What can you make from 15 petrol lawnmowers, a couple (or 6) old wooden rowing boats, various car bits and lots of zimmer frames  ::) ;)
Sadly it's ALL rubbish and junk (apart from an old Armstrong Sidley and I'm not allowed to touch that !), accumulated by my dad in the 20+ years since he stopped farming, and there is LOADS of it ! Bruce and I try to clear it, but as soon as there's an empty space he 'finds' something to fill it  ::) He's the only person I know with a feedback of over 1000 on ebay that's never sold anything !  :-\
But one of his friends has had a very lucky find..................
He needed to replace his land drains  :( so got to digging them all up with a digger, it turns out he's a very lucky man, they're all cast iron and worth a load of cash  ;D I'm really chuffed for him too, cos he needed a bit of cash to do up his house - I was going to suggest he might want to invest in a local, small scale pig farm ;)but thought it was a bit cheeky !  ::) ;D ;D ;D
When the old folks home was running here one resident, a local ex-teacher and historian thought that one of the old woodlands looked like it might be a pagan burial site, going by the land & tree position. This happens to be the next field in line for fencing so I can put the pigs in there to rest the existing areas - who know's, they might turn something up  ;) ;D I'll email you (from the Bahama's if they do lol!) :wave:


  • Joined Feb 2010
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Re: Farmers
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2011, 07:03:40 am »
So we may see time team from Yonderton soon then lOl!
They found the Staffordshire hoard not too many miles from me my hubby lives in hope there were a few Saxons with loads of gold in our field once.. Be nice wouldn't it  ;D


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Re: Farmers
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2011, 08:05:08 am »
we found an old shot gun buried here once, broken but we put it back together and put it up on the wall, looks quite cool.
also old clydesdale shoes. theres usually something good each year to excited about, but we are easily pleased  ;D :wave:


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Re: Farmers
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2011, 09:26:24 am »
All that scrap metal could be worth a bit - lawnmowers, old horseshoes etc and zimmers could be aluminium which makes a fair price ;)

I don't like fallen fences left behind new ones either, but usually it is a contractor being paid to do the erection and getting them to pull up old overgrown wire would cost a lot more if they'd even do it - they tend to just take the next line inside for ease and quickness of completion as it's paid by the metre erected..  After which getting to the old stuff is a hassle which a lot of farmers won't have time or inclination (or fitness in some cases) to go back and clear up when there is always so much else to do..

I share the frustration, but I also see how it happens ::)
Barleyfields Smallholding & Kirkcarrion Highland Ponies
Ellie Douglas Therapist


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Re: Farmers
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2011, 11:59:22 am »
i noticed this a lot when we were walking in scotland last year all that beautiful countryside and where they have deer fencing thats obviously been replaced every so often tucked in a ditch or in a bit of woodland you'd find all the coils of old stuff just abandoned!!! Not pretty!!!


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