Holly makes a brilliant hedge, slow to get going but then grows well, I have a hedge down the side of the veg garden, great for wildlife too. Good protection for little birds nesting.
Otherwise I'd go for beech, or hornbeam, which grows in a wider variety of soils. I'm going to be digging some old Privet out and planting more beech (mainly because we have lots of self seeded beech

Lonicera Nitida can send out underground runners, mine struggle to reach 6ft, bushing out rather than growing taller. I have lots to pull out of you are near West Yorkshire or know someone passing through.
I'm another who wouldn't plant blackthorn again, absolute nuisance spreading out from the hedge, not even any doors as compensation

Another option would be bamboo, making sure you either get a clumping variety (Fargesia), or put a root barrier down. Advantage is when established you could feed greenery to pigs and other livestock, a great green treat for my goats in winter, and use canes in garden or for projects. Very little maintenance, maybe lifting and dividing if you want more.