Moved here with the intention of studying and growing medicinal herbs as well as becoming self sufficient - ish. The study is far beyond part time but thats ok by me.
I have some land here, ranging from a small patch of bog through to what was good pasture and what seems to be everything in between

Some iron age weaners

will arrive shortly initially for land clearing in the wild grass and reeded fields, and some sheep

, possibly charolais and gotland, to come later.
Am choosing those for their meat and wool potentials and supposedly low-ish maintenance. Having good and bad pasture that's been let to itself for a while I'm looking for breeds that can help with land restoration, work well in this terrain and help me achieve the herby side of my focus. Really love to hear experiences of this from anyone who "has bought the T-shirt". Some of the fence strainers are only held together by the mycelium of the fungi growing on it! So some work to do there but in the interim portable/solar electric fences until I can get some power to the buildings. Thankfully the boundary fences are stouter.
Once we get a better idea of seasonal ranges and I'm used to managing the livestock therell be more focus on the herbs.
Looking forward to reading your forum questions and comments.