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Author Topic: Adopting non-tested goats?  (Read 2498 times)


  • Joined Aug 2023
Adopting non-tested goats?
« on: September 06, 2023, 03:44:45 pm »
There are some young goats for sale a few miles from us.
they're a breed and ages we would love to have but they've never been health-tested or vaxxed etc...

Would it be daft to buy them? I can easily keep them in a different field from my current ones and thought I can have them tested at the same time as my current goats...?


thank you


  • Joined Jul 2020
Re: Adopting non-tested goats?
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2023, 09:54:25 pm »
It wouldn't be draft but I'm always hesitant when I see animals advertised without a worming history, vaccination history etc. Preventative health care is so important for animal health and welfare so I'd be suspicious of farmers who think otherwise and ultimately there is potentially more risk of them bringing disease or parasites onto your farm. A carefully managed quarantine is always advised but especially in cases like this. 

I would liaise with your farm vet and they can advise on a quarantine program. We use blood tests to test new stock for CLA, CAE and Johne's. We also treat for fluke, worms and parasites on arrival then run worm egg counts a few weeks after. Your vet may recommend additional testing or treatments depending on your specific risks.

Your vet will have to come out to take bloods so you can always ask them while they are already there to carry out these treatments. It shouldn't add much to the cost and may even save you some because they can dispense individual doses instead of you buying full bottles of vaccines, wormers, Flukicides etc.

Also check with your vet about a recommended time frame for treatments. Like I said earlier we are advised to treat on the day of arrival so if they arrive with a high parasite burden they don't heavily contaminate the environment.

Hope that helps


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