Good Evening All
We have 4 hens. They have been with us since Mar 2022. We have a big chicken coop, a fenced in run (15ft by 10ft) with electric strand all the way around and then access to an outer fenced run via a door for the day.
Up until 4 weeks ago all 4 hens always went into the coop at night.
Then 3 hens are insisting on staying outside (in the main fenced in run area) I have steam cleaned the coop, twice. Used red mite spray and the diatomateous earth stuff, but they will not go in at night. They do go in to lay, but just don't want to be i during the night - even if it's raining. I have tried putting them in at dusk - they protest, and the next night don't go in again.
The other hen is going on no problem
Do I just leave them to it? They are safe.