Also depends if you have anything else in your freezer. In 2010 I sent off a 29 month old Brown Swiss Bullock, plan was for him to go into my large chest freezer, not quite the size of the ones at Iceland, but big. A week before he was due back, BIL looked and said, "I don't think it's big enough!" Tesco direct had a nice upright, so that was ordered, as was the electrician to put in another socket AND fit a heavy duty cable direct from the fuse box (cable still there but now it also runs into its own fuse box!).
BIL was right. Swissy filled my big empty chest freezer, my new upright, squeezed some into another upright, some into the kitchen fridge freezer, had a good feed of beef that night and the rest went into the fridge where for about 3 days we ate beef and not much else!
Mary (cow) is only small so her offspring are smaller and we put one in the freezer last year, she filled it, 18month AAx, in the big chest freezer (3/4 chest freezer got lambs in it and both uprights were full.)