Author Topic: Seed swap  (Read 7307 times)


  • Joined Jan 2012
  • Isle of Mull
Seed swap
« on: March 11, 2023, 08:56:47 am »
Has anyone ever organised a seed swap?

Some how I’ve been roped into doing one  ???  . I’ve never been to one ! Let alone organise one  :roflanim:  .
Anyway it’s happening today. Wish me luck :fc:  .

Would really love to know how you’ve organised your. Then I’ll know where I can improve next time. If there is a next time  ;)


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Re: Seed swap
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2023, 04:35:26 pm »
Never been to a live one, but have joined in an online one during covid

Seeds were all free but postage was paid in advance through PayPal

Maybe a small charge for a live event - say £2, paid in advance to PayPal - use this to buy a few basic seeds - or even unusual ones, to supplement what people bring along. 

Also ask for a list of what people are bringing beforehand
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Re: Seed swap
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2023, 11:54:38 pm »
There's a local one here, just a covered stall outside someone's front door.  People bring their spare seeds and take a packet or two in return.  That's the theory and of course it depends on trust.  Quite honestly I don't think anyone cares if someone takes more than they give, as long as they are growing veg and using the results.  I have lots of packets free with my Kitchen Garden magazine and I would rather someone took them all.  I don't need any in return. Sorry I can't help with an organised event.
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  • Joined Jan 2012
  • Isle of Mull
Re: Seed swap
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2023, 07:53:42 am »
Well the seed swap went very well. I asked lots of seed companies for seeds for the event. Some were incredibly generous. I organised it so it would run itself on an honest basis. I was just there to help if needed and to chat.
I raise over 3 figures for a local community garden. That was just through donations for seeds if people didn’t have any to swap or for people that wanted more than they brought to swap.

« Last Edit: March 12, 2023, 07:56:31 am by Bert »


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