Having 22 gimmers sheared in a few weeks. First time I've been involved with shearing as I've only had goats until last year.
I have registered with the BWMB as a new entrant as I thought I may as well get something back towards the cost of shearing. And not waste the wool. I know where to take it, but what should I transport it in? Do I need to use one of their proper wool sacks/sheets (maybe a bit big for 22 fleeces!). If so, where can I get one?
I was planning to use the field shelter for shearing as it has rubber mats and I can give it a good sweep. Also electric. Is this likely to be OK for the shearers? Presumably as long as the floor is clean and I roll the fleeces as per the instructions I can then sell them?
Also - anything I need to have ready for the shearers apart from cleanish, dry sheep?