Okay, you asked for the best place to learn, and everybody is right - join a club and take a class.
However, we didn't do that, and our bees are beeing just fine two years on. It's my friend who does most of the work, and he learned everything through reading books and watching Youtube. We've made some mistakes, but looking back, I think we'd have made them anyway.
Another thing to know is why you want to keep bees. It sounds obvious, but when we asked ourselves that question, we realised that for us, honey is a byproduct of keeping / having / supporting bees. That then led to us going down the route of "
natural beekeeping" (ooooh, controversial!!). We use a different sort of hive, called a "Warre hive", largely leave the bees to their own devices and only take honey after the winter when they no longer need it for themselves. We therefore don't top up with fondant, and if the bees need feeding, it's their own honey they get back. I will admit, at this time of year it feels like beekeeping in reverse, and it's certainly not as productive as standard methods. We also don't prevent swarming most of the time - that's natures way of for example keeping parasites under control. We're therefore pretty sure we'd be banished from our local beekeeper's association if we darkened their hive doors.
Beegone! They would cry. Enough of this heresy!