Mutton is a wonderful and rare commodity. By your language you are putting it down. 'Getting rid of it'! Cheaper than lamb?
There are 2 kinds of mutton, that produced from ancient scrawny old sheep, and that produced from 2 or 3 yo animals. Even meat from ancient ewes is good if cooked properly (very slowly). Your ewes come into the young category.
I have only sold mutton or rather Hogget, from 16 month old males and I charge a good market price for it. However, I mostly produce meat only for home consumption as a side effect of lambing for breeding stock. I have never sold ancient sheep mutton - I prize it too much.
So find out more about mutton, learn how to cook it (folk on here have lovely recipes and advice) then go out and sell your product with pride and for a good price, if you decide to sell it at all after you have tried it.
In fact I tend to get only the gigot from older ewes and have all the rest minced so I can make it into burgers, sausages, or cook it as mince. Mutton can take strong flavours such as garlic, chilli, North African spices and so on, rather than light herbs.